Go Check it out! http://blogs.technet.com/b/sbs/ Looks SO much better! nice job guys. Read more →
Category: Uncategorised
File Sharing and Eircom
From Slashdot: ““One of the biggest broadband providers in Ireland will make the country the first in the world (according to broadsheet newspaper, the Irish Times) to introduce the ‘three strikes’ rule. ‘EIRCOM WILL from today begin a process that will lead to cutting off the broadband service of customers found to be repeatedly sharing music online illegally. Ireland is… Read more →
Small Business Server forums on Technet
Finally…. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/sbsebscs/threads No more posting in random groups. NNTP Lover? See Susan’s post on the bridge. Oops. That is not it! Unless you speak another language than mine. i’ll find this link…. and post here! Read more →
Netstreams DigiLinX via Small Business Server RWW using Terminal Server 2008
OK, this is completely awesome if I do say so myself. Tonight I have been playing about with Microsoft Windows Terminal Server 2008 Remote Apps feature, Small Business Server Remote Web Workplace, and Netstreams DigiLinX. Essentially, other than Music (which I have no interest in accessing while I am away from my house other than my local iTunes library), DigiLinX… Read more →
SBS Issues – A monthly update (I hope)
Pushing you all towards one place to get these updates (though I will mirror here as they come in). Top issues us MVP’s see with SBS, and the way to fix them. Via Susans blog. When working with SBS you’ll find that you’ll tend to see some issues in the forums and newsgroups again and again. So to help with… Read more →
Captcha on the blogs….
Thanks to the kind community, we now have Captcha on anonymous comments for blogposts across msmvps.com and msinfluentials.com It is part of an effort to try to improve the speed of the servers…. Read more →
Remote Web Workplace needs its own installer……
With this news (Essentials Business Server v2 will never see the light of day): http://www.chrisrue.com/funcave/2010/03/ebs-has-left-the-building.html All I really want is RWW “in a box”. Sell it to me Microsoft, for my non-SBS clients! Read more →
Minasi Conference – Bigger and better……
Another year, another Minasi Conference…. I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I attended the first ever Minasi conference. Unfortunately for me, I have had diary clashes every year since! Gaaaaaah! Anyway, for the rest of you, this is a MUST attend conference. Don’t believe me….? Just read some of the testimonials! www.minasiconference.com Read more →
RSS / TCP Offloading strikes again. Microsoft should KILL this feature for the masses…
Hi All, This is more of a rant than anything…. but I would love other peoples thoughts. Today, in my own office, a Intel NIC driver was installed on a Windows 7 PC. This driver enabled RSS, TCP offloading etc. I got a call to tell me that once again access to the Companyweb was slow on SBS… Read more →
Eircom are just UNBELIEVABLE! Murroe false service signups….
So, a while back, you sure heard me bitching a lot about not being able to get a decent broadband service in Murroe, Ireland. You may also know that I teamed up with a fantastic company called Munster Broadband to bring a reliable and quick wireless broadband service to Murroe for the many companies and home users in this area.… Read more →