Category: Flight / Flight Simulator

WinWing SimAppPro – Quicker Download Link

I am going to try to keep this post updated, but those that are looking for a quicker download link of SimAppPro can come here. Nothing worst than waiting for 500kbps speeds from servers on the other side of the world! SimAppPro Setup 1.16.14.exeSimAppPro Setup 1.16.11.exeSimAppPro Setup 1.16.10.exeSimAppPro Setup 1.16.21.exe Official Website and Download Page, with release notes, is here Read more →

The Truth About Slow Download Speeds in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

If you’re an avid player of Microsoft Flight Simulator, you may have experienced frustratingly slow download speeds despite having a high-speed internet connection. While many users have suggested various fixes, the real issue lies in the throttling of Microsoft Servers hosted in Azure. According to users on the Flight Simulator forum thread, the slow download speeds have been a major… Read more →

More Flight Simulator Updates from X019

I have had one of those weeks where its been meeting, phone call, installation, legal, HR….. and no fun. Then tonight, I got to sit down and read up on the thing I have been looking forward to (as have at least 50% of my kids). Flight Simulator (next) The team released a new trailer today, and screenshots. Take them… Read more →

Its ramping up….

Today was insane, I came back from work and I have a ton of articles that I am reading through, some of which are just unbelievable if you love Flight Simulator! There is so much, but here is a few. Oh, how I remember being important enough o be invited to these things before 🙂 Last but not least,… Read more →

Flight Simulator Tech Alpha is Open :)

I fell asleep last night waiting…. but its open now, You will be filling out a survey and sending in a detailed DXDiag of your gaming machine to Microsoft. Then the wait begins! From – QUIT STALLING Apologies to those folks living outside the PST time zone. We’re trying to improve the timing of our posts and clearly we’ve… Read more →

Sloped Runways

Posted last week on the Flight Simulator Insider blog was this: Philosophical Question If a tree falls on a sloped runway but there is no one there to see it, is the runway still sloped? Answer: We hope so, because we’ve got curved/sloped runways in the next iteration of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Thats going to be awesome 🙂 Read more →

Flight Simulator – Today is the day…. (updated)

… that it all really starts again… Over on the Flight Simulator news page, they have announced the following important dates: AUGUST 15th â€“ Insider Program Kickoff (preview of Development Roadmap Release) AUGUST 22nd â€“ Development Roadmap Release (General Release) AUGUST 29th â€“ Build Program Kickof One of the most important topics we see being discussed in the community is WHEN we plan… Read more →

Microsoft Flight Simulator Updates

Yes, I am still excited. Microsoft are once again pulling the inner child out of me (which many would say doesn’t actually take much as its difficult to tell the adult and child me apart anyway). I am on holiday in Spain right now which is funny because there are no clouds here but in the video on the Microsoft… Read more →