Yes, this isn’t documented anywhere! If you are trying to factory reset a doorphone and you do not have web access to the unit. The code is #****#* Read more →

Yes, this isn’t documented anywhere! If you are trying to factory reset a doorphone and you do not have web access to the unit. The code is #****#* Read more →
So, if you are using a Gigaset N720 or the like, and are seeing the error “profile download not possible” when you try to download the settings from the 3CX server, all is not lost. After toying around with this for some time this evening, I found that the Gigaset units do not currently support TLS 1.2 (which I sure… Read more →
I keep hitting this error, so I am putting it up here for me to self-google myself in years to come 🙂 During an apt-get upgrade command you hit this on a Raspberry Pi 3CX SBC: The fix for me was in the end simple…. Run these two commands Read more →
I wanted to comment directly on Hayden Kirk’s blog, but couldn’t. So here is a post linking to his to point out just how much pain he saved me on implementing 3CX on Windows Azure. This made things SO much simpler, so thanks Hayden! He has a script that fixes a PostGres DB issue… check it out before you even… Read more →