Category: Azure

The Truth About Slow Download Speeds in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

If you’re an avid player of Microsoft Flight Simulator, you may have experienced frustratingly slow download speeds despite having a high-speed internet connection. While many users have suggested various fixes, the real issue lies in the throttling of Microsoft Servers hosted in Azure. According to users on the Flight Simulator forum thread, the slow download speeds have been a major… Read more →

Its ramping up….

Today was insane, I came back from work and I have a ton of articles that I am reading through, some of which are just unbelievable if you love Flight Simulator! There is so much, but here is a few. Oh, how I remember being important enough o be invited to these things before 🙂 Last but not least,… Read more →

Resizing an Azure Debian OS Disk – 2018

Yes yes, its been a while.  Frankly I forgot I had a blog.  I am mainly posting this for my own later self googling, because I keep forgetting things in my old age, but I hope it helps you too! For some time now my company has been providing Azure hosting services, and more and more those servers that are… Read more →