Today, my new IMate K-JAM arrived. What a beauty of a Smart phone it is. However, there is a limitation that is going to affect all of us SBSers….
Due to a limitation in Windows Mobile 5.0, the utility that used to allow self signed certificates be trusted no longer works. What this essentially means is that until the Windows Mobile team produce a new tool to allow this, then we have two choices. The first is to go and purchase a certificate, the second is to turn off SSL on activesync. Both of these options suck.
Feel free to go hassle the team about this on their blog post on the subject.
Hang on… just for giggles, I exported the .cer file from the server, then copied to the Mobile. After that, I simply double clicked on it and installed the cert. SSL is working.
However… this REALLY does need to be an easier process.
K-Jam, I’ve got it too 😉
That’s a nice piece of technology, I just love it ! 🙂
Too bad Wifi sync was removed from async 4.1 …
Wifi Sync seems to work for me on 4.1???
The only issue I have with the KJAM is that even with a 1GB Memory card, Skype and other programs cannot run without crashing the damn thing…
Still, it is a GREAT phone 🙂