Workaround Fix for an small bug in the GMAX LOD / GUID Script

In the new GMAX SDK for FSX, there is a really cool tool that the ACES Studio (most likely Adrian – thanks Adrian) wrote for us all.

There is a small bug that I noticed when switching between LOD views using this tool where you would have to click the “Unhide All” button before selecting the LOD view you would like.   Therefore, I had a chat with Arno and we found a workaround to the issue (until I speak with Adrian).  The only downside is you get a “flicker” between the changeover.

Find this code in the script:

hide $*
global dummyString = 0
for obj in allLOD.selection do

Change it to add one line:

max unhide all
hide $*
global dummyString = 0
for obj in allLOD.selection do

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