Want to see and try the next version of SBS? Well, now you can! http://www.microsoft.com/sbs/en/us/beta.aspx Here is the official posthttp://blogs.technet.com/b/sbs/archive/2010/07/12/announcing-previews-of-our-simple-and-affordable-servers-for-small-businesses.aspx Paul has a great writeup here. Thought there are some points on it that I am not 100% sure are correct….. we’ll get back to that on a later post!http://www.winsupersite.com/server/sbs7_preview.asp Read more →
Category: Uncategorised
Apple iOS4 and Exchange Slowness?
I am late to the game on this one, but I have noticed this problem on a few sites since my return from holiday. Essentially, you need to browse on your iOS4 iPhone to this link, and install the configuration profile to fix Exchange Sync and Slowness issues the iPhone is causing….. http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3398 Read more →
Windows Live Essentials 2011
OK, I have to admit, this sounds like its going to be great….. and before you say it, I don’t CARE that they are copying ideas of other app’s…. its about time they started doing that! [Youtube:HjOGDcILlDA] Tags: Windows+Live+Essentials+2011 Read more →
SBS Forum – Thanks for the link
Susan has registered www.sbsforum.info and URL forwarded it to the new web SBS Forums. Thanks Susan, because I kept having problems finding it myself! Read more →
BuildToBuildUpgrade – The answer I never Posted
I thought I posted an answer to this before, and Tim Barrett’s tweet prompted me that I hadn’t (when i searched for it). The answer to the problem Susan explains here is… “I wanted to update this feedback, just to let you know how I fixed it and the cause. I installed the UM role on this Exchange Server a… Read more →
For a product that Microsoft Axed….
its sure good to know that its SOLD OUT worldwide, and that new DVD is coming….. Read more on FSinsider.com (Maybe axed is a strong word….. maybe “downsized?”) Read more →
Sad News
Wayne already mentioned on his blog the sad news of David Houstons passing. David and I setup SBS Ireland waaaaay back, and when I ran out of time to continue it on, he kept it all running and (some might say) made it much better 😉 RIP mate. Sorry your gone. Read more →
Kerio Connect
I cannot believe I am saying this, but I am downloading Kerio Connect. Truly looking for alternatives to Exchange now for the Small Businesses I sell to. I am not the first…..http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2010/04/30/eriq-neale-on-kerio-alternative-smb-solutions.aspx But….. don’t go crazy, I am ONLY trying it! Read more →
SBS Forums are Live on Technet (No really, this time its TRUE!)
Sorry about getting it wrong a couple of days ago! Here is the link! http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/smallbusinessserver/threads Read more →
The Microsoft Cemetery
‘Nuff Said http://www.nogeekleftbehind.com/2010/05/26/have-u-rebooted-yet-015-the-cemetery/ Lets hope that some Phoenix from the flames comes from the Flight Sim team! Read more →