Wow. That didn’t take long.
Microsoft have announced that they are rolling over back on their decision to implement changes to the Partner Program, for this year at least.
ZDnet report states Microsoft stated
“We appreciate your feedback, apologize for the confusion this caused some members of our partner community, and look forward to growing our partnership with you in the months and years to come”
I was actually expecting Microsoft to dig their heels in on this, and ride out the storm, but it appears that I and others were wrong in how quickly this would be reversed.
For me, it still shows how out of touch Microsoft are with their Partners, even though the decision is reversed, I think this decision should probably never have happened in the first place. I would be SO interested to find out just how they even got to that place…
Anyway, good news for Partners everywhere. I am going to celebrate by installing my free copy of Windows XP – because I can.