As some of my readers know, I have been setting up NTES to be a technical dealer for Netstreams DigiLinX here in Ireland.
I wanted to let you all know of a new product that is now available to integrate to the system called the DoorLinX.
This thing has an Extreme Coolness Factor.
Basically, someone comes to your door / gate and they press the button. This then plays a doorbell sound of choice on the speakers (again, of choice) on your DigiLinX system in the house.
The user can then go to a TouchLinX and talk to the person via the intercom and unlock the gate / door via the interface. If a camera is installed, then it will also show the video to the user. All this on an IP network!
I have decided what my first DoorLinX sound will be, though I am aware that my dear wife will have different thoughts.
Who’s that at the door? Click Here “Number 1”, of course.