Category: Uncategorised

Yes, there is going to be another version of SBS

Since the release of Windows Server 2008 R2, there have been a lot of questions surrounding SBS “Next” and if there will be another version. The good news is YES…. 

From – 
”In fact, we are currently hard at work building the next versions of Windows SBS and Windows EBS. We’ll have more on that at a later date.” Read more →

iLinX "View" – A demo of iLinX

Further to my last post, showing iLinX in use, I have just found out that the guys over at have released “iLinX View”.   Here is an explanation of it… “A number of dealers and end users have asked us for a demo version of iLinX so that they can try it out before shelling out $150. The problem has… Read more →

Logmein Sneaky Moves (again)

Well, I just blew a fuse.    It seems to me that there is no route back with logmein, and they have no interest in listening to their users.   The only answer I can see is to cancel any paid for services with them. My post may be deleted on their forum, so here is what I wrote: “I just lost… Read more →

iLinX controlling DigiLinX

For the people that follow me for the Netstreams DigiLinX updates, here is a YouTube video I have “thrown” together of the iLinX Application.   It’s seriously impressive!  I only touch on the features, there are more in there! [YouTube:GMidWOKWB9c]   Tags: DigiLinX, Netstreams, iLinX Read more → are just about to lose a load of customers

and I am probably going to be one of them….   they are scamming users, even the ones like me who pay! Personally, am livid…    cheeky bastards. I am looking at teamviewer right now, whom will now most likely get my companies money! Read more →