Today I noticed that a lot of upgraded SBS 2011 Sites (from migrated 2008 and 2003) that we come across have a lot of old group policy settings. I therefore thought it might be helpful for some of you SBS admins to have this information to hand. These are the default SBS2011 Group Policy settings…. if you spot any mistakes, drop me a line and I will update.
WMI Filters
Windows SBS Client – Windows XP
select * from Win32_OperatingSystem Where (Version>=’5.1.2600′ and ‘6.0.6000’>Version and ServicePackMajorVersion>=3) or (Version>=’5.2.3790′ and ‘6.0.6000’>Version and ServicePackMajorVersion>=2)
Windows SBS Client – Windows 7 and Windows Vista
select * from Win32_OperatingSystem Where Version>=’6.0.6002′
Windows SBS Client
select * from Win32_OperatingSystem Where ProductType!=2
Group Policy Objects on Default SBS2011 Install
Default Domain Controllers Policy
Default Domain Policy
Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy
Update Services Client Computers Policy
Update Services Common Settings Policy
Update Services Server Computers Policy
Windows SBS Client – Windows 7 and Windows Vista Policy
Windows SBS Client – Windows XP Policy
Windows SBS Client Policy
Windows SBS CSE Policy
Windows SBS User Policy
Anything outside of the above is non-standard and may well be causing you issues on your new SBS2011 Domain! The most common issue we have found is update services issues.