Over the past couple of days (i’m behind I know!) Clearone Netstreams have released a bunch of cool stuff. Its worth a blog post as some of this is a major change for the system.
First! There is a completely overhauled and improved website – www.netstreams.com – which gives you a far better feel for the systems from Clearone Netstreams.
Next, the announcement of the iPod dock. This will be cool, as we have been having to use the iPort with a MediaLinX device to achieve the same for our business and home users which was a pain. Being able to have a device that simply connects to the DigiLinX network and allow people visiting our customers homes and businesses to simply dock and then have their music shared and indexed will be AWESOME!
Lastly, but not least. Anthology is a product that (quoted from the site.)
“automatically scans for music stored on network attached storage devices and on PC’s. In addition to monitoring shared folders on PC’s and networked storage devices, Anthology also monitors its USB ports for USB storage devices that contain audio files, including iPods.
Internet Radio: Stream music to any room in your house. The Anthology can tune into thousands of stations of music, news, talk radio, sports. Streaming interned radio, your personal audio files or online services like Pandora, SIRIUS has never been this easy.”
All in all, this is good news from the Clearone Netstreams team, its great to see this product growing and advancing.
NTES, as an authorised Netstreams Dealer in Ireland, will assist customers with any questions on the above products and existing ones alike! – http://www.ntes.ie (We also will be releasing a completely new website shortly, so stay tuned!)