OMFG! What were they thinking!
I was all excited about getting my hands on the new Blackberry Storm, and I finally thought there was a viable alternative to the iPhone on the Vodafone network here in Ireland… but alas…
Words fail me.
OMFG! What were they thinking!
I was all excited about getting my hands on the new Blackberry Storm, and I finally thought there was a viable alternative to the iPhone on the Vodafone network here in Ireland… but alas…
Words fail me.
Ha! Looks like you’re stuck with your hacked 1st gen iphone 🙂
umbelieable its 2008 u would think the phone market would progress further instead of step backwards.
it’s absolutely disgraceful. i’m just back from the us, and my data bill from vodafone ireland — from just routine e-mail and web browsing, not youtube or anything requiring major kbs — is 300 euros. i was really looking forward to using wifi on my storm to avoid paying these scandalous, rip-off, roaming data charges…but no, now learn there is to be no wif on the storm!
My theory why Verizon remove wifi from the blackberry storm because without wifi, people would have to stick with Verizon and pay monthy data services for the internet. If the phone have wifi, then people can change carrier noticing that they can surf the internet without the business of Verizon. Aren’t they freaking smart? They’ll make sure that you can’t have internet on the storm without them, besides you can’t use Verizon navigation as GPS on other providers as well…