Dear LORD! I am completely shocked by this, how can a company be so stupid!
Over the past 15 years, I have been a Vodafone Ireland customer (previously Eircell). I had, this morning, finally made the decision to move our entire companies set of Mobile phones over to 02 based upon the new iPhone 3G. Up until now, I have been using a Jailbroken unit with Vodafone.
So, I call up, I speak to the representative and we organise a visit from an 02 rep. At the end of the call I mention that the website is terrible and shows none of the business plans. (Unlike the site).
I am told there are NO BUSINESS PLANS going to happen in Ireland… like WTF! I nearly blew a gasket… how is this common business sense? For once, 02 actually have a way of taking market share from Vodafone in Ireland and they go and screw it up by not having a business plan… that means no 02 to 02 free calls, no internal free calls, no shared texts, no shared minutes!
I tried to contact 02’s Irish Director Danuta Gray, but she is away… Steve Job’s needs to kick 02 Irelands arse, like right now… Shocking, simply shocking…..
Can you tell I am annoyed?