Over the past few months I have seen a gradual build up in the amount of people contacting me about unlocking Apple’s iPhone for use here in Ireland.
It seems that even though Apples very own European headquarters are based here, we are left behind when it comes to the roll out of yet another Apple product. The last time around it was iTunes! This is, of course, quite irritating and Apple will not comment which is even more frustrating.
So, it seems that I am going to have to resort to hacking the phone to get it working. I suppose this is the only way if the greedy people at Apple, 02 or Vodafone, cannot come to some agreement. To me it seems like a no-brainer as the Irish mobile market is a simple one!
Whilst they all try to figure it out, I am going to go an get an iPhone and start with this webpage on getting it unlocked.
EDIT: Actually, I may just go and get one from this Irish based site and save myself the hassle.