Yes, I am looking…

Today I called an Irish distributor to be told that the Entourage 2004 Media is not available any more.   I Office_boxshoteven quoted the part number on Susan’s blog, but nothing….

So, I called Microsoft themselves and they are telling me they are not finding anything either.   Bleedin’ marvelous!

I even pointed the Microsoft to the FAQ which clearly states the code for the media.  The MS rep was very confused and keeps saying it is not available.  They are coming back later and I shall update you all with what is said!

This stuff should be easier.

EDIT: In a quite ridiculous scenario, the only way to get this media is by calling (in Ireland) 1800 554984 to get to the “disk replacement” service, where you give your product key and pay €25 to have it shipped to you.   Just think how much easier it would be if the disk was in the box with the OEM and Retail version.


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