Derek just posted a comment on this blogpost I wrote a while back.
I tend to agree that it should be more officially noted that an update for FSX is on the way. Maybe a news item or something on the website. However, I suspect that the team are simply too busy working on a pre-DX10 update for us all. That said, I have emailed the relevant people and I am making sure they are still listening 🙂
Derek… if you want official clarification that a service pack is on the way, read this post from Paul and this one from Adrian. Though I do not know if it will address the specific issues you mention….
Also, take that thing out of the draw you put it in and give it another go. This time, read the “What’s your framerate Part I” and “Whats your framerate Part 2” articles that Hal posted to
If you sit in the cockpit, and observe the motion of the right aileron in the Maule (any model), you’ll note the motion is inverted. When you turn the yoke/stick to the right on any aircraft, the right aileron should deflect upward. It now deflects downward (major mistake). I hope it is included in an update. I’m a Certified Flight Instructor. I use this software as a means to put ground school to instant practical use, and this is a major problem. I’ve reverted to using FS9 until a fix is available. Thank you
Robert Spearing V CFI MEI
I am not sure if this issue is being addressed in your Patch…Alot of my fellow flyers miss the capablity to move the seat postion up and down to see over the flight panel in 2D…I know you have put this feature on the 3D panel and made the 2D transparent.. We still prefer landing and takeoffs in 2D being able to look over the panel…
Tks Rich
Even a half way realistic autorotation in the helis would be nice.Sure they can be done but rotor rpm decreases no matter what actions are taken by the pilot. There should be overspeeds on the mr if you flare to much and you shouldnt have an instant 5000+/min rate of vertical descent that is just crazy. The r22 falls straight down when the engine quits! Exactly how did the robinson company help out again? Well I fly the r22 and it was a major turn off in fs2004 and I see not much has changed for fsx.
I have not seen anyone discussing this problem anywhere:
I am using two monitors in full screen mode. When I move a view to the second monitor, the whole screen starts to blink and flicker. To fix the problem, I have to bring up the menu, go to options->display, and change the color resolution or something for that monitor. Then it is fine until I move a view or something on that monitor, then I have to repeat the ritual. (I have an NVidia 7900 GTX and two LCD monitors that have different native resolutions.)
Also, I have to re-setup all the views where I want them every time I fly. This is a real pain.
The PFD in the Lear in FS9 had a switch at the bottom to toggle between the NAV1, NAV2 radios. FSX only allows NAV1.
There were some missions in FS9 that would be nice to transfer over to FSX. Simply copying over the folder doesn’t work like the aircraft does. Specifically, I copied the “aerial” mission of FS9 to the “Pilot for Hire” folder in FSX and the mission doesn’t even show up in the list.
Some aircraft have switches that others don’t for common aspects. The master Avionics switch and the fuel cutoffs are good examples. If I closed the fuel valves in a Maule after landing, then switch to a Lear, I can’t re-open the fuel valves without switching to an aircraft that has the valves. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been caught unable to communicate to the tower because I can’t use the radios and there’s no Avionics switch on the aircraft to toggle.
I speak on behalf of one of the internet’s leading Flight Simulation community. We’ve waited a good number of years for FSX to come out. Now we all understand that you guys had to build it on old platforms.
The reason I’m leaving this message is so I can find out if Dual-Core enabling is going to come with the new Service Pack 1 for FSX. I think a lot of people would be happy if you guys could do something of the sort. Many of us have spent thousands including me to get out systems in the deep end of the sea only to get low frames in FSX. It’s an awesome game, it would be more great if you could do this. We as a community understand it requires major coding, we are willing to wait.
Hopefully XP users such as myself will also be able to get the benefit of that patch and not just Vista users. No mistaking for the DX10 patch that comes out in Winter 2007 though.
I am sure that you will not be dissapointed with SP1. As has already been said on Phil’s blog, performance is the key factor in SP1.
Thank you Mr. Whittome, your efforts are greatly appreciated. I will be in touch with both you and Mr. Taylor for the next few months. I’ve posted a thread about the comments left. Hopefully it will be pinned for the time being.
Mr. Whittome, the thread is here [url=]CLICK[/url]
Hopefully it will get pinned. I encourage any developer that has updates join the site and post in the thread.
I hope that sp1 will correct the many many problems [i have a different problem every time i use fsx ] fo far fs9 has been the greatest
Bought game when it came out,have yet to install, I am still wondering if it can coexist on the same pc with FS9 installed. Does anyone know? Then I can install FSX and install the patch while the FSX install is still fresh.
Here’s an interesting observation that I have not noticed in ‘real aircraft….when taxiing, does the rudder actually move when the pilot turns the nosewheel? What about the extreme lurching/dipping of the nose when the wheel brakes are applied. I was sitting near the tarmac near a major international airport, and didn’t see any rudders moving while the pilot turned the plane onto and off of the runway.
For those worried about SP1 and what it will do for you, you can look on Phil Taylors blog and see that there are obvious improvements (which I confirm). Soon guys, soon….
Larry, FS9 and FSX can co-exist on a PC.
CP, you are right, and it is on the list I believe…. it is possible to code an aircraft so that the rudder does not move on the ground etc, some add-on developers have already done this.
Are these patches tested with addons like or htpp:// As I would really like to upgrade to it, but don’t want to break my existing setup.
Frank Bell
Are these patches tested with addons like or htpp:// ? As I would really like to upgrade to it, but don’t want to break my existing setup.
Frank Bell
Sorry, I meant
Frank Bell
I’m a huge flightsim fan, and I’m using FSX+ acc. on 2 machines. Recently, when I want to start a mission on my vista lap top, fsx crashes when I click ‘go to briefing’. I’ve already noticed in forums that other people have the same problem, but I can’t find a solution. The only thing that changed since I last succesfully loaded a mission were some add ons, but I fully removed all of those. I’m running FSX+ acceleration on a 32 bit Vista machine.
can you help me?
I had the same problem with ‘Go to briefing on the missions and discovered uninstalling SQL 2008 express fixed my problem.