Spammers really do piss me off. I mean COME ON!
Who in their right mind sends money to someone on the other side of the world called Dikka Abagoo, third son of nine, who's brother – Juju Abonka – is a political prisioner. Remember, he has… wait for it…. ($10.500,000) Ten Million Five houndred thousand united states dollars only sitting in his bank account that he will share with you on his release.
I mean, are people THAT STUPID! If so, then I have an idea… send me ($100.00) One Hundred United States Dollars, and I will do pretty much anything for an hour and you will feel good in the knowledge that you were not ripped off. I give value for your 100 Bucks. I mean, you didn't really want to release poor JuJu anyway, did you.
Seriously though. Spammers are beginning to attack webforums as much as regular email nowadays – included. Susan just recently updated the Community Server code to version 2.1 here and that has improved this dramatically. Today however, Mark Minasi's forums also got hit… A user signs up, then spams other users using the "email a forum member" feature. Aghghghghgh.
So, for any other Snitz Administrators out there… there is a mod that one of the snitz community guys put together quickly to combat this. Thanks "ruirib"
This is exactly why I coded my own blog engine… it just doesn’t make sense to them to create some automated thing for only one website 🙂