Woods, I could kiss you… (But if I did you would stop
providing these Gems!)
Adrian posted this
for a Halloween treat and oh boy… I cannot tell you how happy this is
going to make a lot of people. I have immediately updated my
SceneryDesign wiki
tutorial on creating Lighting effects.
I think Adrian’s
post does not actually say how powerful this is for scenery designers. What
this means is that there is no longer a limit to the amount of effects you can
place (allowing of course for frame rate issues).
Hello Nick!
when clicking on the link above (wiki tutorial on creating Lighting effects) I find a page with “Error”.
Is your tutorial in the wiki under another title?
Perhaps “Using GMAX to Create Apron Lighting using Effects” ?
Just an observation:
– in the Wiki the promising folder “Tools/Effects Creation Tools” is empty
– in the forum, my thread “Scenery Design/Effects/Effects Tutorial” produced no results at all.
Where are the Effects Experts????