A quick blog post to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
This year is a little different for me; I am in the South of France for the holiday. The first time I leave Ireland for the holiday, and guess what, it is a WHITE Christmas at home for the first time in 20 or so years! I am by the Pyrenees and no snow L Go figure.
As I type this from Château de Whittome, I can smell the Turkey, I have just been handed a beer and Bolero is playing on the vinyl turntable. I have not been this relaxed in ages.
This is when I turn on the only English Channel on the TV, Sky News, to be told that apparently Christmas is too Christian and that it is now to be known as “The Winter Holiday”. Hahaha… I am no religious person, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in ages. Surely the holiday can be called whatever anyone wants to call it and the important thing is being with your family right?
Anyway… enjoy yourselves people… I know you are all geeks, but try to pull yourself away from the computer for a few hours to have a game of Monopoly with the family…. That is what I am about to do.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh agus Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Daoibh
Nick Whittome
Oh, and for the aircraft fans, I think this is a Ryanair, but I may be wrong..
It can’t be Ryan Air , check out amount of extra bags on the sled.
Hahaha… Shouldn’t you be on holiday Gordon!